
The Passion of Amâncio Amaro was voted one of the best books published in 2005.

"Although it’s a debut novel, the author shows a mature and vigorous display of language, capable of creating a unique universe of lyricism and humor.
When he renders the village where the story takes place, Laurentino creates an atmosphere that relates to the backlands of Pernambuco, but he keeps something universal, drenched in humanity.”
Bravo! magazine

“One of the most splendid books of generation 00"
Portal Literal literary website

“The characters bear in their pain the pain of the whole world. It is due to this universality that it reaches the status of a great book."
Jornal do Brasil newspaper

“Laurentino is one of these poets that goes beyond verse. His prose uses language as a playful instrument to seduce the reader. One realizes this from the very first lines of The passion of Amâncio Amaro.
[...] The author balances the color of Brazilian culture and the grayness of human pains; the tragic and the outright funny. The relation of his characters between themselves and the world is drenched in symbols, which are unfolded little by little to the reader, making this one of the most fascinating aspects of the novel.”
Correio Braziliense newspaper

"Despite the novel's extraordinary humor, Laurentino slips a trace of sadness into the particular odyssey of each of the three main characters. A sour taste that only ripens the work.
Laurentino is a name not to be forgotten."
O Estado de S. Paulo newspaper

"The novel is remarkable for the craft of its writing. The Passion of Amâncio Amaro evokes references and influences, but goes beyond a mere tribute.
[…] The book casts an ironic look at Brazilian backlands by someone who has left it and no longer lives there, but the language is authentic and local and fluent. The author makes you laugh but also translates the knowledge of people who lead a hard life and proves that in such a life there is also humor and dreaming, even if they are built upon bones and stones.”
Jornal do Brasil newspaper

“[...] Laurentino cultivates his prose, which has certain touches of his inland Pernambuco, but he does not use the regional clichés of the backlands, where the story is set, and to where he travelled in search of inspiration and reconciliation with his past. He has achieved much more than this. He portrays with tenderness and humor, without losing the sadness and strength of harsh concise words, the fears that dwell inside every man.”
IstoÉ Gente magazine

“Laurentino avoids the regional cliché, and goes deep into the characters and conflicts of a small village in the backlands of Pernambuco that could be any place.”
Milton Hatoum, writer

"The Passion of Amancio Amaro is a never ending passion: for sentences, for prose, for the human condition, for the sum of all of this, a daring and surprising passion.
Readers, beware! Not only does André Laurentino capture us from the very first line, but he also plays with us, stealing laughs, sobs and sighs, revolving our most intimate feelings, our memories, our inhibitions, our secret desires.
This debut deserves celebration. I am deeply moved by this overwhelming novel, and now it is all yours. Enjoy it."
Adriana Falcão, writer